
Please see the monthly calendar for scheduled meetings and events.

Choirs: Adult choir and Children's Voices choir — See Music under Programs tab
Small Group Ministry

We offer small groups where people can meet together and reflect on life issues in a spiritual context and get to know each other in a small group setting. Each group includes 6 to 8 participants. Church members facilitate, providing a topic for reflection and helping the group to share and listen deeply to each other in a safe and caring environment. Small group participants are asked to commit to 6 to 7 meetings, usually bi-weekly. Groups for the fall season begin in October, with sign-up sheets posted in September. For more information contact Paula Wall

First Friday Coffeehouse — 1st Friday of every month, some exceptions (check the Calendar)
If you like music, poetry, drama, or storytelling, come to the First Friday Coffeehouse and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or tea and a dessert, and listen to the other talented artists we have in the community. We’ve had a lot of fun listening to the storytelling of Ophelia Bumps, the dramatic performances of Peggi McCarthy, the enchanting voice of Chris Chance, and her talented husband, guitarist Neal Zweig, the solo guitar playing of Scott Oullette, the rock and roll energy of Tito Mambo, and the poetry of Kendra Ford, among other guests. If you want to perform, just sign up on the list before we get started at 7:30 and we’ll look forward to your performance. Bring the family or a friend or both. Treat yourself to a night out and come on down to the First Friday Coffeehouse at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Exeter. The coffeehouse is in the Parish Hall set back from the road. If you’re a talented baker of desserts, we whole-heartedly welcome your baking creations to share with the audience and artists. For more information, contact Bob at or phone: 642-4648

Knitting Ministry meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Parsonage to work on healing/spirituality shawls or other articles for our congregation. Beginner and experienced knitters and crocheters are welcome.

Midweek Mindfulness — every third Wednesday 6:00 to 6:30 pm
Join us for meditation at the Parsonage as often as you like. No experience necessary, only a willingness to be in the silence with each other. This is good preparation for the evening meetings and the rest of the week. There will be time to share tea afterward.

Contra Dance
Monthly Saturday contra dances are held in our Parish Hall on the second Saturday of each month (check Calendar) with Richky Holt calling. live music is provided by Jim DiCarlo and Lisa Burk-McCoy (Irish flute and whistles), Silas Robinson (fiddle), Brad Robinson (guitar), and Nancy Fiske (pennywhistle, recorders, clarinet). You do not need experience or a partner. All dances will be taught and kids are welcome. Bring clean soft-soled shoes. Donations are reuqested, under 10 free.

Men's and Women's Pot Luck Suppers
Fun, food, and fellowship each month. We usually split into a men's group and a women's group, but ocassionally combine the two groups. Watch the Calendar, the Order of Service Announcements, and monthly Newsletter for details.

Team FUUSEion — FIRST LEGO League: Robotics-based competition for students 9–12 years old teaches how to build working robots and engage in friendly competition with other local teams, while keeping the main focus on personal character and UU principles. Fun and great education! Plus, junior teams now available for 6–9 year olds! Please contact Frank Merrick for more information at or 679-2524.

The Lit FUUSE: FUUSE members publish a creative arts magazine including poetry, prose, photography and fine arts. Contact Bob Moore for more information at or phone: 642-4648

Spiritual Parenting Seminar: A group meets weekday mornings, twice monthly, to discuss selected readings and personal observations relevant to parenting with respect to family spiritual growth. For more information please contact facilitator Kim Orifici at .

Potluck Suppers and Circle Dinners: Various opportunities to share food and fun will be listed in the FUUSE calendar, newsletter, weekly email, and order of service insert. Some are at private homes and some are here in the Parish Hall. Please contact Paul Robinson for more information at or 580-1342.

Yoga: Classical Yoga with certified Yoga instructor Lisa Burk-McCoy is available now on a regular basis in the Parish Hall. Teens and adults are invited to explore the Yoga path to a peaceful mind, body and spirit through discussion, breath, movement and meditation. Please email Lisa for details at or 772-3186.

Cleaning Up the Beach: FUUSE has adopted a section of beach in Seabrook to clean up at intervals throughout the year. These efforts are an outgrowth of the Green Sanctuary Committee agenda. Please contact Meg Schoene for more information at t or 772-3218.

Food and Clothing Drive: These efforts are ongoing through the Outreach Committee. Many other opportunities to put faith in action by helping those in need in the community are supported and organized by outreach volunteers. These include a rotating family shelter project (part of the Seacoast Interfaith Hospitality Network or SIHN) and fundraising to stop hunger at the fall “Crop Walk.” For more information please contact Helen Kruppa at or 772-3387