Minister: Rev. Kendra Ford*Office hours: Or call for an appointment: 603.772.4002 •
Director of Religious Education, Youth Adviser: Laura StevensOffice hours: Available by appointment during the holiday period.603.772.4002 •
Minister of Music: Rev. Mary DoaneOffice hours: Thur. at church afternoon and evening (except summer)Choir practice: Thur., 7 to 9 pm (except summer)603.772.4002 •
Office Administrator: Pat BakerSummer Office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm603.772.4002 • General:
Treasurer: Warren Siecke603.772.4002
Church Clerk: Alex McCallum603.772.4002 •
Moderator: Jim Webber
Sexton: Steve Arsenault603.772.4002
Board of Directors and Committee Chairs (Below)
Lyn Rodger •
Committee Roster
Board of TrusteesSkip Berrien (Chair)
Dan Chartrand
Susan Gorman
Mary Alice LaPoint
Debbie Merrick (outgoing chair)
Margaret O’Day (vice-chair)
Warren Siecke, Treasurer
Denise Short
Jonathan Winsor
Rev. Kendra Ford (ex officio)
Caring Committee
Amy Robinson, Chair
Helen Kruppa
Gwen Kenney
Adrienne Drummey
Janet Caylor
Jane Oldfield-Spearman
Children’s RE Committee
Sujeong Shin, chair
Kim Orifici
Jeremy James
Jessica Michelsen
Liz Reyes
Denise Short
Laura Stevens, IDRE
DRE Relations Committee
Jim Webber
Susan Gorman
Chris Chance
Finance Committee
JB Gardner, chair
Warren Siecke (Treasurer)
Jim Breeling
Ingeborg Lock
Corey Stevens
Marilyn King
Investment Sub-Committee
Rich Coleman
Alex McCallum
Tom O'Gorman
Gifting Committee
Stephanie Marshall
Lisa Butler
Russell Tarason
Sylvia Foster, Chair
Kathy Beggin
Mary Doane
Dixon Hummel
Frank Orifici
Meg Scheone
Cliff Sinnott
Merci Voorhees
Vicky Anderson
Hospitality Committee
Anne Tufts (Chair)
Dixon Hummel
Marion Mengert
Karen Patenaude
Margery Prazar
Greg Stevens
Nominating Committee
Pat Yosha
Will Young
Donna Mogardo
Frank Merrick
Miranda Lam
Jim Morriss
Ministerial Relations Committee
Jessica Michelsen
Dan Hummel
Outreach Committee
Gail Nostrum, chair
Helen Kruppa
Adrienne Drummey
Sally Coleman
Rich Coleman
Gwen Kenney
Personnel Committee
Skip Berrien, Chair
Ingeborg Lock
George Gallo
Pledge Drive Committee
Betsy Arnold, Co-Chair
Janis Tierney, Co-Chair
Property Committee
Jim Schlough, Chair
Tony Tuffs
Paul Robinson
Tish Lewis
Social Justice
Frank Heffron, chair
David Weber
Pat Yosha
Malcolm Weatherbee
Bob Moore
Marion Mengert
Skip Berrien
J. B. Gardener
Jim Schlough
Usher Committee
Jim Breeling
Betsy Buchanan
Andy & Jody Couillard
Andy Deardorff
Adrienne Drummey
George Gallo
Frank Heffron
Dan & Dixon Hummel
Maggie & Paul Kuliga
Ingeborg Lock
Stephanie Marshall
Bob Moore
Jim Morriss
Kristin & Tom O'Gorman
Karen & Mark Patnaude
Greg Prazar
Amy & Brad Robinson
Paul Robinson
Jayne & Jonathan Winsor
Pat Yosha
Worship Leaders
Dan Chartrand
Will Young
Jonathan Winsor
Susan Gorman
Greg Stevens
Tony Tufts
Rob Richards
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for conducting the legal affairs of the Society. It oversees the activities and performance of the Minister and the work of all other committees responsible for personnel administration. It is responsible for all property and financial resources of the Society, including current operating funds and investment funds. Each year it presents an annual operating budget to the Society for approval and then manages that budget during the year.The Board is made up of a chair, past-chair, vice-chair, treasurer, and no fewer than three members at large. All members are nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected at the Annual Meeting. The Chair and Vice-Chair for a term of one year, the Treasurer for three years, and the at large members for staggering three years. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be eligible for election to no more than one additional year.
Pledge Drive Committee
The Pledge Drive Committee organizes and carries out the Society's annual pledge drive in a timely manner, including establishing an annual pledge drive goal, educating the Congregation about the financial needs of the Society and reporting results of the pledge drive. They shall communicate and consult with the Finance Committee and Board of Trustees in establishing the annual pledge drive goal and reporting the progress and outcome of the pledge drive. There shall have at least three members on a staggered three year term and all nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected at the Annual Meeting.
The Property Committee maintains all property and buildings, and makes recommendations to the Board for staffing. It consists of three members elected by the Society to serve three-year staggered terms. At least three member and at least one member is nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected at the Annual Meeting. Each serving a three year staggered term.
The Finance Committee consists of at least three people: the Treasurer, a member appointed by the Board of Trustees, and others elected at an annual meeting. The Treasurer may not chair the committee.
The Finance Committee proposes annual operating budgets to the Board of Trustees, makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the investment of funds, provides advice and assistance on financial issues of importance to the Society, and provides direct support and oversight to the Treasurer.
Ministerial Relations
The Ministerial Relations Committee meets periodically with the Minister to discuss the relationship between the Minister and the Society, to ensure open communication between the congregation and the Minister, and to act as a sounding board for the Minister. It consists of three members serving three-year staggered terms. One is appointed by the Board of Trustees, one is appointed by the Minister, and one nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected at the Annual Meeting.
The Nominating Committee prepares a slate of candidates for election to open positions at the annual meeting. It consists of three members appointed by the Board of Trustees who serve three-year staggered terms.
The Personnel Committee is responsible for the employment of the church staff — except the Minister — including advertising for positions, maintaining job descriptions, and negotiating terms and agreements relating to compensation and employment status. The Committee solicits input from other appropriate committees.
The Personnel Committee consists of three members serving three-year staggered terms. One is appointed by the Board of Trustees, one is a representative of the Finance Committee, and one at-large member is elected by the Congregation.
Program Council
The Program Council consists of the chairs of all committees responsible for the various programs in our church. The Program Council shall facilitate the development and coordination fo chruch programs by coordinating the Church calendar, providing for leadership development and training, enhancing intra-church communication, initating, advancing or modifying programs and activities, ensuring that committee leaders have the information and resources needed to carry out their function, and otherwise assist in achieving the objectives of the Society as directed by the Board of Trustees.Current committees and task forces include:
Also affectionately known as the “Casserole Ministry,” the Caring Committee works with the minister to provide care and support for congregation members in times of need. This includes rides, food, visits, and support at all levels.
The chair is appointed by the Program Council, and other members are appointed by the chair. Many others in the congregation help out on specific projects.
Director of Religious Education Relations
This small committee works as a communication network between the Director of Religious Education (DRE) and the congregation. They are problem solvers, and advocates and perform the annual staff review.
The Hospitality Committee plans and oversees the Sunday Social Hour, Circle Dinners, and other group activities that promote fellowship among our church community. They welcome new commers and guests and intergrate them into further participation and membership of the Society.
The chair is elected a the annual meeting. Other members are appointed by the chair.
This committee organizes special fundraising activities to support our church programs. Their primary activity is the annual church auction.
This committee acts as an advisory committee to the Minister in planning, executing, and evaluating the Sunday worship service, including the presentation of music or special programs. It also plans and executes occasional lay-led services.
The chair is elected at the annual meeting. Other members are appointed by the chair.
This subcommittee provides support to members, volunteers, and staff dealing with conflicts within our church. Members are appointed by the Program Council.
Religious Education
Children & Youth: The Children’s RE Committee is responsible for planning and overseeing educational programs for our children.
Adult: The Adult RE Committee plans and oversees regular offerings for the congregation. Check the calendar for their programs and times.
Social Justice
The Social Justice Committee helps FUUSE understand its role as a religious community in fostering ethical and just relationships within the congregation and the larger world. They helpcoordinate the congregation’s social responsibility activities.A few task forces and initiatives have started under their banner including the following.
Green Sanctuary Task Force: This group helps our church community implement a program supporting the Seventh Principle Project of the UUA. A Green Sanctuary is defined as "a congregation that lives out its commitment to the earth by creating a sustainable lifestyle for its members as individuals and as a faith community."
Groundwater Task Force: This group is working on protection and awareness of water resources, especially in our area. Projects include the Save Our Groundwater/USA Springs conflict.
Outreach Task Force: This is a meaningful way for FUUSE members to connect, support, enrich, and gift to others beyond the walls of this church through our service, spirit and contributions.
Welcoming Congregation: This subcommittee worked to defeat the proposed Constitutional Amendment aimed at excluding same-sex couples from the legal equality represented by civil marriage.